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Which Should I Choose – Composite Bonding or Dental Veneers?

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Reality stars and Hollywood actors have us pining for the perfect smile. When looking for options to give a cosmetic enhancement to your smile, one of the questions you will ask yourself is, “Should I choose composite bonding or dental veneers?” 

If you have a dream of smiling the perfect smile, you are certainly not alone. Millions would like to change at least one aspect of their smile. Addressing the gaps in your teeth, teeth discoloration, chips, or fractures can help you regain the self-esteem you need to smile confidently. 

If you are wondering whether to choose composite bonding or dental veneers, it’s probably a good idea to first understand these two procedures. 

What is Composite Bonding?

What is Composite Bonding

Composite bonding is a cosmetic dentistry procedure wherein a piece of resin is applied on top of your tooth and hardened. The procedure is highly recommended to correct minor imperfections in places of the oral cavity that do not use as much biting force as your front teeth. 

In this procedure, the dentist will clean and prepare your tooth using an acidic gel to ensure the resin attaches itself firmly to the tooth surface. The composite color is finalized before the procedure and will match your natural teeth. The dentist applies the resin on the surface of your tooth and hardens it with blue light. The final step is to mold and shape it to match your actual teeth. 

What are Dental Veneers?

What are Dental Veneers

Dental veneers are custom-made, tooth-colored shells made of robust porcelain that can create an immediate and dramatic impact on your smile. They are razor-thin and are specifically designed to give you a stunning smile.

Veneers fit snugly with your teeth and can cover one or two misshapen or discolored teeth. They can also be used on a complete set of teeth to create a sparkling white smile. 

In this procedure, the composite is applied directly to the surface of your tooth and molded to mimic the size & shape of your natural teeth before being bonded to the tooth. The veneers are shaped and polished to blend with the rest of your teeth. 

Making a Decision – Should I Choose Composite Bonding or Dental Veneers?

When considering the answer to the question, “Should I choose composite bonding or dental veneers?” it would be beneficial to make a quick comparison of the two. 

Tooth Preparation

One of the integral differences between the two procedures is how the tooth is prepared before the process is implemented. 

  • To fix veneers to your teeth, your dentist usually needs to shave off a thin layer of enamel from your tooth surface so that the veneer fits properly and creates a natural smile. 
  • In the case of composite bonding, the dentist only needs to roughen the surface of your tooth to ensure that the resin bonds properly. 

It’s important to note that veneers can be classified as an irreversible procedure, while bonding is minimally invasive. 


If you are considering either of these cosmetic dental procedures, you can be assured that both these treatments produce natural-looking results. 

  • Dentists choose a shade of composite or porcelain that matches the rest of your teeth. You can choose a lighter shade of porcelain to get a whiter smile. 
  • Composite bonding is usually used to correct minor cosmetic imperfections such as gaps and cracks. Veneers cover the entire tooth surface and can be used for a total smile transformation. 


To help you with the question, “Should I choose composite bonding or dental veneers?” your dentist needs to determine whether you are eligible for either procedure. 

Eligibility for Veneers

  • You want to correct chipped, discolored, or fractured teeth. 
  • You have good oral health prior to the treatment. 
  • You have strong tooth enamel to support the veneers. 
  • Your teeth are reasonably straight. 

Eligibility for Composite Bonding

  • You wish to correct minor cosmetic concerns, such as tiny gaps between the teeth, misshapen teeth, or short teeth you would like to increase in size. 
  • You have sufficient tooth structure for the dentist to use. 
  • You have good oral health prior to the treatment. 


Cost is something you definitely need to think of when considering the question, “Should I choose composite bonding or dental veneers?”. 

While the cost of both procedures largely depends on your case, composite bonding is comparatively cheaper than veneers. The average price of porcelain veneers ranges between $500 to $1300, whereas tooth bonding costs start from $250 per tooth.


It is good to know that both treatments last for years if proper care is taken.

Dental veneers are more durable than composite bonding. However, if there is any damage, it is easier to repair composite bonding, whereas veneers must be replaced from scratch. 


Maintenance is also something you should consider when asking, “Should I choose between composite bonding or dental veneers?”. Both treatments require a similar kind of maintenance to ensure they last long. 

Veneers and bondings are both vulnerable to discoloration, but dental veneers are more stain-resistant. Brushing and flossing your teeth twice daily, along with scheduling regular checkups with the dentist, can help you maintain good oral health with these treatments and catch any occurring problems beforehand. 

Duration of Treatment

Composite bonding is a perfect choice if you are looking for a quick fix since it can be completed in a single appointment. Since veneers require more customization, it takes at least two appointments to get them fitted.

Make the Right Choice for Your Teeth – Speak to a Professional

When deciding whether you should choose composite bonding or dental veneers, it is important to remember that consulting a professional will help you determine which suits you. 

Schedule an appointment with a professional dentist who is experienced in cosmetic and aesthetic dentistry and has a lot of skill in the field before deciding what is suitable for you. 

They can answer all your questions about whether you are more well-suited for composite bonding or dental veneers. 
Contact a dentist today and redefine beauty with a perfect smile.