Bleeding Gums Treatment - Ramsey, MN

Are Bleeding Gums A Cause For Concern?

Bleeding from your mouth is the equivalent of a horror movie in real life. And nobody wants to go through that. Does it matter how much you bleed? Of course. If you notice a bit of pink when you spit out after brushing, it’s probably nothing. However, if the bleeding gums are continuous and you see blood every day, it is a cause for concern.

Why Do I See Bleeding Gums?

Improper dental care is usually responsible for bleeding gums.

Gum Disease (Gingivitis)

Failure to brush and floss properly causes bacteria to stick to teeth. These bacteria, known as plaque, deposit on and underneath the gum line.

Brushing your teeth gets rid of plaque and prevents gum disease and cavities from forming.

If plaque isn’t removed, it hardens and becomes calculus (tartar), which causes gum disease. and bleeding from the gums.

Some symptoms of gum disease are:

  • Swollen gums
  • Soreness around the gums
  • Bleeding gums
Bleeding Gums
Bleeding Gums Treatment


When gum disease isn’t taken care of, it advances into periodontitis. Periodontitis, or periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums, oral tissues, and jaw bones. This disease leads to the loosening of your teeth and even tooth loss

Vitamin Deficiency

A lack of vitamin C and K in the body leads to bleeding gums.

If the bleeding gums aren’t due to an issue with your dental care, your healthcare professional can check your vitamin levels. Following a diet rich in vitamins C and K helps prevent unnecessary bleeding.

Vitamin C-rich foods include citrus fruits, juices, strawberries, potatoes, bell peppers, etc.

Vitamin K-rich foods are spinach, kale, lettuce, canola oil, olive oil, soybeans, etc.

Other Causes

Brushing too vigorously can bruise your gums, causing them to bleed. Use a soft toothbrush and be gentle with it.

Denture wearers may sometimes notice their gums bleeding if the dentures are tightly fitted. If this is the case, your dentist will provide you with a better-fitting oral appliance.

Pregnancy and hormonal changes can make your gums sensitive and prone to bleeding.

Bleeding disorders (leukemia, hemophilia) also lead to bleeding gums.

If you take blood thinners (warfarin, heparin, aspirin, etc.), you might experience bleeding.

These are the key reasons behind your bleeding gums. Apart from these, there can be several other reasons for blood loss. Read our blog titled “Why Do My Gums Bleed After Brushing?” to learn more.

Bleeding Gums

How Do You Treat Bleeding Gums?

There are many ways to treat gums, all of which depend on the cause of the bleeding. Here are some steps you can incorporate to prevent the red stains in your sink.

1. Pay Attention to Your Oral Health

The American Dental Association states that plaque buildup is the biggest reason for bleeding gums. Plaque and calculus irritate the gums, causing them to bleed.

Brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day reduces plaque buildup and prevents bleeding. Additionally, flossing once a day prevents bacteria from sticking between the teeth.

2. Use the Right Tools

While it may seem like toothbrushes with medium or hard bristles clean your teeth better, they irritate your gums, causing them to bleed. The American Dental Association recommends using a soft toothbrush to clean your teeth without irritation.


Also, ensure that you are flossing daily and not pressing the floss too hard against your gums.

Oral Health
Eat Healthy Diet

3. Eat a Healthy Diet

“You are what you eat” – or more specifically, what you eat affects your gums. Foods high in sugar or carbs increase your gum and tooth problems.

Whole foods, such as fruits and vegetables, provide the necessary nutrients for a healthy mouth.

You don’t have to swear off sugar. You can consume them in moderation, and don’t forget to brush your teeth afterward.

4. Talk to Your Doctor

Certain diseases and medications increase the likelihood of bleeding gums. Talk to your doctor about any issues you’ve been facing. Your doctor might order some tests or change your dose or the medication altogether.

5. Relax

High levels of stress cause inflammation in your body, increasing the chances of bleeding. The American Academy of Periodontology states that an overload of stress affects your immune system, making it difficult to fight infection.

Try deep breathing techniques, medication, or other activities that help you destress.

6. Quit Smoking

Smoking plays a big role in gum disease development. It also increases the risk of heart disease and cancer. Quitting is tough, but protecting your gums and overall health is necessary.

7. Visit Your Dentist

Your dentist is the perfect person to treat gum disease. They examine your mouth and determine its status—whether it is mild, moderate, or severe. Based on the results, they recommend routine cleaning, deep cleaning, or periodontal surgery.


If you haven’t seen your dentist in a while, it’s time to make that appointment.

Treating Bleeding Gums at River’s Bend Family Dental

Diagnosing your bleeding gums and changing your routine is necessary to improve your oral health. Visit us today so we can kickstart your journey to a brighter, healthier smile.

Call us at (763) 576-1855 or click here to schedule your appointment.

Bleeding Gums

At River’s Bend Family Dental, we create a comfortable environment to address the unique dental needs of your family.

FAQs on Bleeding Gums

Should I continue brushing my teeth if my gums are bleeding?

Yes! Quitting brushing and flossing will only make matters worse. Visit your dentist at River’s Bend Family Dental to help you manage bleeding gums

How long do bleeding gums take to heal?

That depends on the status of your oral health. Mild to moderate cases of gum disease take about 7-10 days to heal but severe cases can take longer.