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What Are Mini Dental Implants? Benefits, Procedure & Cost

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Are you looking for a tooth replacement option that offers stability, functionality, and a minimally invasive procedure? Look no further than mini dental implants. These smaller-sized implants are gaining popularity for their versatility in restorative dentistry.

Whether you need a single tooth replacement or denture stabilization, mini dental implants can be the solution you’ve been searching for. You’ll learn about the benefits of mini dental implants, their comparison with traditional implants, step-by-step procedures, and associated costs, as well as tips for maintenance.

Discover the world of mini dental implants and learn how they can restore your smile, improve your oral health, and give you a reason to smile confidently again.

Dental Implants

Dental Implants

According to the figures, almost 178 million Americans have had at least one tooth extracted. When it comes to choosing a long-term replacement alternative, dental implants have surpassed bridges and dentures in popularity. These implants are a permanent solution for restoring lost teeth, whether single or numerous teeth and for fastening removable dentures.

Dental implants are distinguished by their unique insertion procedure, which is surgically inserted into the jawbone using an external screw. Unlike traditional alternatives, dental implants are made of two components and commonly range in diameter from 3.25 to 5 millimeters. With their robust and durable base, dental implants offer individuals a great opportunity to regain a natural-looking and functional smile.

What are Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants (MDI) have a comparable structure to standard implants, although they are smaller. Unlike typical implants, they are made from a single-piece screw smaller than 3mm in diameter with a ball-shaped end extending beyond the jawbone. This tiny shape provides a more streamlined and easier insertion technique while retaining traditional implants’ critical functionality and stability.

MDI (Mini dental implants) are a viable option for persons with weak bone structures or those seeking a less sophisticated tooth replacement solution due to their lower size. Despite their modest size, mini dental implants efficiently restore dental function and aesthetics, giving patients fresh confidence in their smiles.

What is the Difference Between a Dental Implant & a Mini Implant?

What is the Difference Between a Dental Implant & a Mini Implant

There are various choices for restoring a missing tooth, including bridges, upper dentures, and dental implants. Mini dental implants provide a low-impact and very simple process among these options.

Unlike traditional dental implants, mini implants do not require complete attachment or embedding into the jawbone, eliminating the need for bone grafts. Depending on the condition of your jaw and teeth, dental implants may be a better option than dentures.

Mini implants are especially indicated for people with jawbone recession, a bone loss without dental roots. Delaying tooth replacement may result in more bone tissue loss, making standard dental implants ineligible.

Although traditional dental implants are considered more durable, mini dental implants can last longer and provide an excellent option for those who cannot or prefer not to undergo the traditional implant procedure. Mini dental implants closely resemble natural teeth and conventional implants, with only your dentist able to discern the difference.

For older individuals or those with a history of bone resorption, mini dental implants may be a preferable choice. Bone resorption refers to the breakdown and absorption of bone tissue, which can affect the placement and stability of implants. Mini implants are easier to place and carry a lower risk of interfering with nerves or sinuses due to their smaller size. Additionally, their smaller diameter makes them less painful to repair if any issues arise.

Who is a Candidate for Mini Implants?

Traditional implants rely on sufficient bone strength and density for long-term success. However, when a tooth is missing, the lack of stimulation can cause bone loss, resulting in a narrow alveolar ridge. Standard implants typically require a minimum width of 6mm for successful placement, which may only be achievable with bone deterioration.

In such cases, mini dental implants (MDIs) may be recommended by your dentist as they can be placed in a narrower ridge. As implants are the preferred solution for tooth replacement, MDIs offer a viable alternative in situations where traditional implants may not be feasible due to inadequate bone width.

Mini Dental Implants Procedure

dentist checking teeth


Your initial appointment with the dentist includes an evaluation of your oral health, discussing your dental history, and determining if mini dental implants are the most suitable option for your needs.


On the day of the procedure, you’ll receive local anesthesia or sedation for a comfortable experience. Through tiny gum-line incisions, the dentist will surgically insert the implant posts into your jaw. Although mini implants involve less invasive techniques, you’ll still need time to recover.


Give the implant post enough time to spontaneously integrate with your jawbone. Throughout this healing phase, adhere to any post-operative advice given by your dentist.

Placing the Restoration

Once you have fully recovered, schedule an appointment to have your chosen restoration placed. That’ll result in a beautiful and complete smile.

Benefits of Mini Dental Implants?

dentist with Mini Dental Implant
  • Temporary anchorage: They are excellent for temporary or additional anchorage in denture cases.
  • Atrophic ridge patients: They are suitable for patients with highly atrophic ridges or minimal bone who cannot undergo bone reconstruction.
  • Cost-effective option: Mini implants provide a slightly less expensive alternative for individuals seeking affordable tooth replacement.
  • Limited space considerations: They work well for patients with limited space in mandibular incisor areas or maxillary lateral incisors.
  • Orthodontic treatment: Mini dental implants are ideal for obtaining temporary anchorage in orthodontic patients who prefer not to wear headgear.

What are the Downside of Mini Dental Implants?

  • Esthetic challenges: Unlike conventional implants, mini-implants do not emerge naturally, making achieving optimal esthetics more difficult.
  • Hygiene concerns: Maintaining proper oral hygiene can be more challenging with mini-implants.
  • Minimal training requirement: Some doctors can begin placing mini implants after completing a single-day course, potentially needing more comprehensive training and experience.
  • Limited angle correction: Mini implants have limitations in correcting the angulation of teeth.
  • Increased fracture risk: There is a higher chance of fractures occurring during normal functional activities with mini implants.
  • Over placement by some doctors: Some practitioners may place more implants than necessary, anticipating failure in one or more, which should not be an expected outcome.

What is the Cost of Mini Dental Implants?

dental cost

Mini dental implants (MDIs) typically range from $500 to $1,500 per implant. For an implant-supported lower denture with 4-6 implants, the cost is usually around $2,000 to $5,000. In comparison, full-sized implants for denture stabilization can cost between $12,000 and $30,000.

Remember that these are approximate costs and can vary based on the dental clinic, location, case complexity, and additional treatments required. Consulting with a dental professional will provide a more accurate cost estimate tailored to your situation. Don’t worry if you’ve no insurance or have budget issues; Rivers Bend Family Dental provides financing options to their patients.

How Long Do Mini Implants Last?

The longevity of mini dental implants cannot be established precisely because it varies from patient to patient. Several individual factors contribute to the longevity of the implants, making a precise duration difficult to determine.

How to Care for Mini Dental Implants?

Caring for your mini dental implants is essential to ensuring longevity and maintaining good oral health. Here are some important steps to follow:

Maintain Proper Oral Hygiene

Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to brush your teeth twice a day. Lightly brush the gumline, being especially careful in the vicinity of the implants.

Floss Daily

Clean between your teeth and around the implants using dental floss or interdental brushes. It helps remove plaque and food particles leading to gum disease and implant complications.

Use Antimicrobial Mouthwash

To eliminate microorganisms and maintain a healthy oral environment, rinse your mouth with an antimicrobial mouthwash. Consult your dentist for appropriate advice.

Schedule Regular Dental Check-Ups

Visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and examinations. They will assess the condition of your implants, address any concerns, and provide necessary maintenance.

Avoid Harmful Habits

Chewing on hard things, such as ice or pencils, can harm the implants. Also, avoid tobacco products, as these can harm the success of your implants.

Maintain a Balanced Diet

Eat a nutritious diet that supports overall oral health. Eat foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals to promote healing and maintain strong bone structure.

Address Concerns Promptly

If you experience discomfort, pain, or changes around your implants, contact your dentist immediately for evaluation and appropriate treatment.


Mini dental implants offer a versatile and effective solution for individuals seeking tooth replacement options. They are smaller in size than standard implants but give comparable benefits. Mini implants are suitable for various cases, including patients with limited jawbone density or those who prefer a less invasive procedure.

While they may have specific limitations, such as esthetic challenges and hygiene difficulties, the advantages outweigh the drawbacks for many individuals. Mini dental implants can provide a long-lasting and functional solution with proper care and maintenance. 

Consult with the dentist at River’s Bend Family Dental to determine if mini dental implants are the right choice for your needs.

Call us at 763-576-1855 to book your appointment now!


  • Can mini dental implants be permanent?

Having reviewed the details about mini dental implants, do you believe they suit your specific dental needs? These implants offer a permanent replacement option, a quality sought after by many dental patients in today’s dental landscape.

  • Are mini dental implants safe?

Most experts consider both traditional and mini dental implants to be safe choices.

  • What is the success rate of mini dental implants?

Palatal mini-implants boast an impressive overall survival rate of up to 91.5%. Notably, factors such as gender and placement location (whether transverse or anteroposterior) do not impact the survival rates of these implants.