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Pros and Cons of Dental Veneers

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Your smile is the first feature that people notice. In such a scenario, a sparkling white smile can not only make you look presentable but also boost your confidence. On the other hand, a crooked smile with damaged teeth can make you feel miserable.

If you have damaged or crooked teeth, a dental veneer can help improve their appearance. Dental or porcelain veneers refer to thin, custom-made teeth caps that sit on the surface of your teeth to hide any imperfections. Similar to any other cosmetic dental procedure, it is important to know about the dental veneers’ pros and cons, as this can help you in making a decision.

In this blog, we will investigate veneer teeth pros and cons and help you determine whether dental veneers are a good fit for you.

What are Dental Veneers?

Before discussing dental veneers’ pros and cons, let’s first understand what they are. Dental veneers are porcelain jackets that fit over the front of teeth to provide aesthetically pleasing and natural-looking teeth. They provide excellent outcomes when the teeth are healthy but have a little discoloration.

What are Veneers Teeth Pros and Cons?

Here are the veneer cons and pros that you need to know:

Pro #1: Easily Whiten Your Smile

If you are a tea or coffee aficionado and have been sipping on your favorite beverage for years, chances are that your teeth are slightly pigmented. If not, teeth pigmentation may also be due to smoking cigarettes or eating highly pigmented foods that turn your teeth an unattractive shade of yellow or brown. 

Whiten Smile

In such cases, dental veneers can help whiten your smile. Veneers are generally stain-resistant, so you no longer have to worry about getting them whitened.

Pro #2: Fix Minor Cosmetic Problems

Slightly damaged, crooked, or gapped teeth can be effectively treated with braces or other orthodontic treatments. However, these problems can also be treated with dental veneers. Since veneers are attached to the front surface of your teeth, these also hide minor orthodontic problems.

Pro #3: Replace Damaged Enamel

Tooth enamel is strong but not indestructible. Over the years, tooth enamel can be worn down from tooth brushing or eating highly acidic foods or drinks. This can present a concern as the lost enamel cannot grow back. The problem, however, can be managed with veneers. Dental veneers provide an excellent treatment for enamel erosion while being aesthetically pleasing.

Pro #4: Instant Results

One of the major benefits with dental veneers is that you notice the results instantly, unlike other dental procedures where you need to wait for months to observe the results. In most cases, it will take only one or two appointments to transform your teeth. Moreover, you can also start eating and drinking normally as soon as the procedure is done. 

Now, let’s break down some of the cons.

Con #1: Slightly Expensive

Although effective, veneers are typically not light on your pocket. The total cost of veneers will vary based on your location, the number of teeth to be restored, and the dental facility you choose. Some dentists can charge hefty sums for the treatment procedure, which may not always be suitable.

girl sitting dentists office

Con #2: Increased Sensitivity

Many people also report an increase in sensitivity after getting dental veneers. After the procedure, you may feel sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, which may subside on its own. The sudden sensitivity can be uncomfortable and inconvenient. You can, however, manage it with specific products to relieve pain associated with the sensitivity and help repair the weakened enamel.

Con #3: Permanent Procedure

Contrary to popular opinion, dental veneers are generally permanent. This is because your dentist needs to change the tooth structure to fit veneers properly. To do this, your dentist may also remove the outermost layer of enamel to make room for the veneer. For some people, this is one of the serious cons of veneers.

Con #4: Shorter Lifespan

Dental veneers’ lifespan is generally shorter than that of dental crowns or bridges. Although they remain an appropriate dental treatment, this is something to consider when weighing the dental veneers’ pros and cons. 


Dental veneers are great if you are looking for an effective way to whiten your teeth. However, before going for the treatment, it is vital to consider the associated dental veneers pros and cons. While veneers provide instant results, whiten your smile, and fix minor dental problems, these can also be expensive and cause increased tooth sensitivity. It is, hence, important to weigh down the pros and cons and decide if the treatment is a good fit for you. A dentist can help you in reaching this decision.

Our Dentists at River Bend Family Dental Can Help in Making the Right Decision

At River Bend Family Dental, we have a team of highly experienced dentists who can help you solve your queries about dental veneers and give you expert advice on the subject.

Schedule an appointment with us today!

Alternatively, you can also reach out to us at 763-576-1855.

Or visit us at 14061, St Francis Blvd NW Ramsey, MN 55303.