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What Causes an Exposed Tooth Root?

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An exposed tooth root is a common dental problem leading to discomfort, and sensitivity, and causes serious oral health problems if not treated in advance. A layer of enamel covers the crowns of the teeth, and the roots are covered by a thin layer called cementum. When the cementum wears away or the gum contours drop down, the root of the teeth is exposed causing sensitivity, followed by pain and complications.

Understand the reasons for the occurrence of exposed tooth roots to prevent and manage the condition. This article explores its causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Anatomy of a Tooth: Crown vs. Root

To understand the causes of exposed roots of the tooth, first know the difference between the crown and the root of the tooth. 

Tooth Anatomy
  • The crown is the portion of the tooth seen above the gums and is covered by a hard layer of enamel that protects it from routine wear and tear.
  • The root is the part of the tooth that is into the bone and supports the tooth in its position. It is cover by the gum and protected by cementum.
  • When the gum recession occurs or the cementum is lost, the root is exposed, which leads to a cascade of dental problems.

Causes of Exposed Tooth Roots

Exposed tooth roots can result from various factors that compromise the protective enamel and gum tissue. Understanding these causes is crucial for effective prevention and treatment.

  • Gum recession is the most common cause. When the gingiva covering the tooth recedes,  it exposes the root structure. Gum recession can occur for several reasons.
  • Periodontal disease occurs due to bacterial infection affecting the gums and the bone surrounding the teeth. As the infection increases, the margin of the gums recedes, it forms pockets between the gums and the teeth, exposing the roots. In advanced stages, it can progress to tooth loss.
  • Aggressive and hard brushing with stiff bristles damages the gums, and the enamel and cementum wear away, causing gum recession.
  • As we age, the gums ought to recede, even when there are no gum diseases. There can be natural exposure of the roots over time.
  • Oral trauma or Injury can cause an exposed tooth root. Trauma can occur due to physical injury or an accident, grinding of teeth, or jaw clenching. Even dental treatments, deep cleaning, or faulty dental restorations can lead to gum damage and root exposure.
  • Poor dental hygiene contributes to gum infection and dental caries, which can cause exposed roots. When plaque and calculus accumulate between gum and teeth, it irritates the gum and causes infection or inflammation, and gums recede exposing the roots.
  • Smoking and the use of tobacco products can degrade your oral health. Tobacco makes the immune system weak, which makes it difficult for your body to cure gum infections. tobacco consumption hampers the healing, increases gum recession, and exposes the tooth roots.
  • When the root cementum wears off or is affected by decay, the root is exposed. The root of the tooth is susceptible to caries because it is not as well-protected as the enamel of the crown is. They develop root caries or decay and are susceptible to caries once the root is exposed.
  • Malocclusion or misaligned teeth, puts pressure on teeth. Over time, pressure leads to gums recession, and exposes the roots. Crowding and overlapped teeth make it difficult to maintain oral hygiene efficiently and increase plaque accumulation, gum disease, and root exposure.
  • Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) is the clenching of teeth, during the night. Bruxism exerts pressure on the teeth and gums and wears the tooth enamel over time. The force due to teeth grinding damages the enamel, causing gum recession and exposure of the roots of the teeth.
  • Individuals at times are prone to gum recession and root exposures due to their genetic composition. With familial h/o periodontal disease, there is a higher risk of gum disease, even after maintaining good oral hygiene.
  • Orthodontic treatment improves the teeth’ alignment and overall oral health, causing gum recession and exposed tooth roots. This usually occurs due to rapid tooth movement during treatment. This exerts excessive pressure on the gums and bone.
Tooth Pain

Symptoms of an Exposed Tooth Root

Recognize the symptoms early to prevent further complications. Some symptoms include:

  • Tooth sensitivity is most commonly present in exposed tooth roots along with sharp or shooting pain on exposure to hot, cold, sweet, acidic foods and drinks.
  • Pain or discomfort along with sensitivity, persistent pain, in case of root infection and caries.
  • Part of the tooth root, usually covered by gums, is visible. The exposed portion looks darker than the crown of the tooth.
  • Gum swelling, inflammation, redness, or tenderness in the gums.
  • Long-term gum disease causes exposed roots, and persistent bad breath.

Treatment Options for Exposed Tooth Roots

If you have doubts about having an exposed tooth root, it’s important to visit your dentist for a diagnosis and treatment plan. The treatment depends on the cause of the root exposure. Here are some common treatment options:

  • Desensitizing agents are special toothpaste applied to the teeth. They reduce sensitivity as they block the nerve endings present in the exposed roots.
  • Fluoride treatments strengthen the enamel and decrease sensitivity.
  • In severe gum recession, a gum graft surgery helps to cover the exposed roots of the tooth. This surgery comprises grafting tissue from one part of your mouth and replacing it on the receding gum or exposed root surface.
  • Scaling and root planing is dental deep cleaning. It removes plaque and calculus between the gum and the smooth root surface.
  • A dentist uses a tooth-colored resin to cover the exposed root surface and protect it from caries, recession, and sensitivity.
Exposed Tooth Roots Treatment

Preventing Exposed Tooth Roots

Preventive care will avoid exposed tooth roots. Here are some tips:

  • Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss.
  • Routine dental cleanings and checkups.
  • Do not brush aggressively.
  • Consider the use of a mouthguard if you grind your teeth.
  • Quit smoking or use of tobacco products.

Try to be proactive about your oral health, reduce the risk of exposing the tooth roots, and maintain a healthy, pain-free smile.

Worried about the sensitivity and risks of exposed roots teeth? Act now by scheduling a consultation with our dental professionals at River Bend Family Dental to explore effective treatments and prevent future complications of tooth extractions.

Alternatively, you can call us at 763-576-1855.

Or visit us at 14061 St Francis Blvd NW Ramsey, MN 55303.