Cosmetic Dental Bonding

At Rivers Bend Family Dental, we create a comfortable environment to address the unique dental needs of your family.

What Is Cosmetic Dental Bonding?

If you have front teeth with chips, cracks, exposed roots, spaces between teeth or just general decay, you might be a good candidate for cosmetic dental bonding. Bonding material, or composite, is a strong tooth colored material designed to look and feel like real teeth.

When in the hands of a dental artist, bonding material is like a gooey tooth-colored material that can be sculpted and set into magnificent works of art that is your teeth and smile.

Following are the most common reasons patients decide to have dental bonding procedures done:


  • Covering up discoloration
  • Changing the shape of a tooth
  • Repairing cracks or chips on teeth
  • Repairing decay on teeth
  • Filling a small space between two teeth
  • Protecting exposed roots of a tooth

If any of the issues above are hindering your mouth, it might be a good idea for you to set up an appointment and talk about tooth bonding as an option.  Especially with chips or cracks, the longer these remain in the tooth, the more likely decay and additional damage occurs.

Rivers Bend Family Dental provides a wide range of dental bonding procedures to make it convenient for your entire family to tend to their dental needs.

Tooth Bonding Process

Great dentistry is best performed when teeth can be dry and free from obstructions.  The first step in your tooth bonding process is cleaning the tooth and isolating it for repair.  With the right cleansers applied and rinsed off of the tooth, the dental bonding resin  is ready for application. The resin has several different adhesives as well as other coloring components. These are applied and shaped until the best shape and thickness has been reached.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding
Cosmetic Dental Bonding

The length of the procedure depends on how many teeth and surfaces that are involved. But once finished, the resin is set with the UV curing light, polished and adjusted to fit your natural bite and smile.

The beauty in this dental bonding procedure is within the teeth bonding resin material. The chameleon like properties with a well chosen color can match your exact natural teeth. A job well done is when none of your closest friends and family can tell the difference between teeth bonding material and natural tooth.

Tooth Bonding vs Veneers

If we consider veneers as the cadillac of cosmetic dentistry, tooth bonding is the more economical toyota. Dental bonding and veneers are two different techniques that still produce similar results. You can think of dental bonding as a simplified version of veneers. The process is faster, less invasive and more affordable than veneers.

They both change the shape, color, size and require only minimal cutting of natural tooth. The dramatic changes to your smile and teeth with the procedure can also be life changing. If you want to know more about veneers, check them out here: porcelain veneers.

Cosmetic Dental Bonding
Cosmetic Dental Bonding

The Benefits of teeth Bonding

Instant gratification. Teeth bonding is quick and can usually be completed in just one visit at the office. The change in your personal confidence and sense of self worth is boosted the moment you step out of the office with your new teeth. Throwing out the self-conscious feelings with cracked and chipped teeth. Ask us about teeth bonding and whether it is right for you.

Family Dentistry

At Rivers Bend Family Dental, we create a comfortable environment to address the unique dental needs of your family.

Dental Bonding Aftercare

No need to change your diet or eating habits after receiving new dentally bonded teeth. There aren’t even any specific restrictions. It’s simply important for you to follow up with good dental hygiene practices, brushing and flossing at least twice a day. Continue schedule your dentist appointments every six months as well.

Associated Costs

Every person’s situation and specific insurance plan is unique and different. And with most tooth bonding procedures, what and how much a procedure will be covered is ultimately determined by your specific policy and plan. If you do not currently have dental insurance coverage or have questions about payment options, always feel free to contact our knowledgeable staff. They are always happy to discuss possible options with you.