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What is An Average Root Canal Recovery Time?

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If your tooth has been hurting a lot, you might need a root canal. 

And now, you might wish to get an answer to the question, “What is an average root canal recovery time?” 

Well, that’s what we’re here for; we’ll answer all your questions, such as why you need a root canal treatment, whether it will be painful, how to speed up the healing procedure, and most importantly, how much time you will take to recover from it.

Do I need a Root Canal Treatment?

Root canals are usually done when there’s a deep infection in a tooth. It can happen for different reasons, but it often occurs when a cavity is not treated for a long time or when a tooth breaks and bacteria gather deep inside, causing decay and infection.

Treating any infection as soon as possible is crucial because if you don’t, it can spread to nearby tissues. In the case of an infected tooth, the infection can even reach other nearby teeth and the bone that supports them, eventually leading to losing the tooth.

In severe cases, an untreated infection can spread to other parts of the neck and head, causing a life-threatening condition called sepsis. A root canal is an effective way to remove the infection and save the tooth.

Most of the time, people with a tooth that needs a root canal will have symptoms that indicate something’s wrong. These symptoms can include:

  • It’s a bad toothache that worsens when you bite or bend over.
  • Suddenly, you feel pain when you eat or drink something hot or cold, and the pain doesn’t go away quickly.
  • Swollen or sore gums around one tooth.
  • Small bumps like pimples on the gum (these are called “fistula”).
  • The tooth or the gums around it become darker in color.

Is Root Canal Painful?

Is Root Canal Painful

Root canals used to be known for causing a lot of pain, but things are different now. Today, because of better dental tools and methods, most people don’t feel much pain during the procedure, thanks to the numbing and sedation they use. 

After the procedure, though, you might feel a bit sore. The dentist or endodontist will give you instructions on how to deal with the discomfort when you’re back home.

How Can You Speed Up the Root Canal Healing Process?

You can make your healing post a root canal go smoother by doing these simple things:

  • Wait until the numbness goes away before eating or drinking hot stuff.
  • Take the pain medicine your dentist tells you to.
  • Use the side of your mouth that had the root canal for a few days.
  • Return to your regular dentist for a permanent fix to stop more infections.
  • Avoid things that can cause swelling in your mouth, like spicy food or alcohol.

Average Root Canal Recovery Time

Root canals are usually safe, but, like any dental work, they require time for your mouth to improve—the time it takes to heal after a root canal treatment differs for each person. 

Typically, your teeth and gums take around seven to ten days to get better. You might feel uncomfortable during this period but can use over-the-counter pain medicine to ease the discomfort.

How Much Does a Root Canal Cost?

Root canals can cost a lot, and you might need to visit the dentist more than once. How much it costs depends on how bad the problem is and which tooth needs treatment. But getting a root canal is usually better than having your tooth pulled out because it saves your natural tooth and can save you money on future dental treatments.

Check with your dental clinic to find out if they offer any savings plans or financing options that can help you undergo the required treatment. 


Root canals can fix your natural teeth and stop more problems or infections. But remember, the procedure requires a few trips to the dentist and can cost you a bit. So, it’s important to find a dentist who knows how to perform excellent root canals in Ramsey, MN, and to follow your dentist’s advice after the treatment. 

Contact River’s Bend Family Dental at 763-576-1855 or visit our St. Francis Blvd NW, Ramsey, MN clinic.


How long will the pain last after a root canal treatment?

Usually, the sensitivity and discomfort after a root canal should get better in a few days. But if it doesn’t improve or the pain is really bad and doesn’t go away with home remedies, you should contact your endodontist or dentist for a check-up.

Is root canal treatment painful without anesthesia?

The pain you feel before a root canal is because of the tooth problem. But the good news is that getting rid of the infection removes the pain. Painful root canals are a myth. Even if your dentist doesn’t use anesthesia, you shouldn’t feel pain when you get a root canal.

Can a root canal nerve grow back?

A root canal is required when the inner part of your tooth, which has nerves and blood vessels, gets infected with bacteria or severely inflamed, so it can’t heal on its own. The root canal nerve cannot grow back.