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When Can I Eat Solid Food After Tooth Extraction?

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While we all have a fondness for smoothies and ice cream (which is basically all you will eat after you get a tooth removed), you will eventually ponder upon the following question: ‘When can I eat solid food after tooth extraction?’ 

The answer to this query involves various factors, with the primary considerations being the patient’s comfort level and the progression of the healing process.

At River’s Bend Family Dental, our dentists typically recommend waiting approximately one week before reintroducing solid foods following oral surgery. However, the key determinant is how diligently you adhere to the tooth extraction aftercare instructions

To solve your query, “When can I eat solid food after tooth extraction?” Let’s delve into this topic further!

Why Will You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Why Will You Need a Tooth Extraction?

Dentists may advise tooth extraction for various reasons, including impaction, severe dental decay, trauma, and tooth crowding. Impaction can lead to infection and swollen gums, necessitating a tooth extraction or alternative treatment. Severe tooth decay may require extraction to relieve pain and prevent the spread of infection.

Trauma-damaged teeth that cannot be saved may also need extraction to avoid infection. Tooth impaction can cause overcrowding and misalignment, which can be addressed by removing problematic rear teeth, allowing the remaining teeth to align correctly, and restoring a harmonious smile.

Why Can’t I Eat Solid Food After Tooth Extraction?

Why Can’t I Eat Solid Food After Tooth Extraction?

Dental tissue is delicate and highly sensitive. After oral surgery procedures, such as wisdom tooth extraction, leaving a portion of our mouth vulnerable and exposed is common. Additionally, the surgical procedure may leave our jaws feeling sore, making it challenging to perform everyday activities like eating and speaking during recovery.

This is why we strongly advise against consuming solid foods following oral surgery. Doing so not only heightens the risk of infection due to food particles becoming lodged in the surgical area, but it can also prove to be a daunting task to eat at all.

When Can I Eat Solid Food After Tooth Extraction?

Following a tooth extraction, it is crucial to adhere to your dentist’s or oral surgeon’s recommendations to ensure a smooth and speedy recovery. The time it takes to resume solid food consumption depends on the intricacy of the extraction and the rate at which your body heals. 

Nevertheless, here are some general guidelines to consider:

Immediate Post-Extraction Period (First 24 Hours)

what you eat in tooth Extraction Period

It is advisable to avoid solid foods immediately after the tooth extraction. During this initial period, you should eat soft or liquid meals to allow the extraction site to begin healing without interruption. Broths, soups, yogurt, pudding, mashed potatoes, and smoothies should be consumed chilled or lukewarm.

Days 2 to 7

You can progressively incorporate somewhat more solid items into your diet in the days after the extraction, as long as they don’t require substantial chewing or biting. Continue to prioritize soft foods, avoiding anything excessively hot or spicy that might irritate the healing area. Suitable options during this period include scrambled eggs, well-cooked pasta, soft fruits, and cooked vegetables.

Days 7 and Beyond

You can begin introducing a larger variety of solid foods into your diet as your recovery continues and your dentist or oral surgeon certifies that the extraction site is healing nicely. Nonetheless, it remains essential to steer clear of hard, crunchy, or sticky foods that could interfere with the healing process or become lodged in the extraction site.

Chewing on the Opposite Side

Irrespective of food texture, make an effort to chew on the opposite side of your mouth from where the extraction took place. This practice minimizes pressure on the healing area, promoting a smoother recovery.

Remember to keep hydrated throughout the recovery phase, but avoid drinking with straws since the suction impact might dislodge the blood clot in the extraction site, potentially leading to problems.

Being attentive to your body and not rush-reintroducing solid foods is imperative. If you are experiencing pain, bleeding, or any other troubling signs, please contact your dentist or oral surgeon right away. Your prompt action can help ensure a successful and trouble-free recovery.


 At River’s Bend Family Dental, we’re always ready to assist you. Schedule an appointment by contacting us and learn more about tooth extraction.


When can I eat pizza after tooth extraction?

It is advisable to steer clear of crunchy foods like pizza, nuts, and chips during the initial 14 days following the extraction of upper wisdom teeth and for up to 8 weeks if you’ve had lower teeth removed. The rationale behind this recommendation is that hard and crispy food items tend to become trapped in the surgical site, potentially disrupting the healing process.

Why can’t I have dairy after tooth extraction?

Consuming dairy products after tooth extraction will likely result in prolonged bleeding at the extraction site. Furthermore, dairy products have been found to induce inflammation at the extraction site, which can hinder the healing process.

How do I know if my tooth extraction is healing right?

On the third day, you should notice a reduced gum swelling, and the extraction site will gradually close. By the end of the first week, your gums should be well on their way to a full recovery with minimal sensitivity or discomfort. These are positive indicators that your gums are healing as expected within the anticipated timeframe.

What can you eat on day 3 of tooth extraction?

On the third day following your surgery, stick to a diet of soft, easy-to-chew foods. Opt for macaroni and cheese, cooked noodles, softly scrambled or poached eggs, and tender sandwiches. Avoid hard or crunchy foods such as pizza, rice, popcorn, and hamburgers.

Why should you eat ice cream after tooth extraction?

Ice cream can effectively minimize natural mouth swelling due to its chilly temperature. However, when selecting your ice cream, it’s important to make mindful choices. Soft serve ice cream is highly recommended immediately after surgery, as it demands less effort from your jaw muscles while eating. Additionally, it’s advisable to steer clear of ice cream varieties with mix-ins or solid sprinkles on top.