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Invisalign Gum Recession: Preserving Your Gum Health

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Gum recession, a condition distinguished by the gradual wearing away of the gum line, can lead to increased tooth sensitivity, a higher risk of tooth loss, and other oral health issues. 

Invisalign is a popular orthodontic treatment that uses clear aligners that are comfortable and barely noticeable. However, to maximize the benefits of Invisalign and maintain optimal oral health, it’s essential to take steps to prevent gum recession. 

This article explores effective techniques and measures to keep your gums healthy using Invisalign.

Connection Between Invisalign and Gum Recession

For those who recently had their Invisalign treatment, it is vital to understand the potential connection between gum recession and Invisalign. Below are some of the common gum issues during Invisalign treatment:

  1. Increased Tooth Sensitivity: Exposed tooth roots can become sensitive to hot, cold, and sweet substances.
  2. Aesthetic Concerns: Receding gums can result in a ‘gummy smile’ and other cosmetic issues.
  3. Increased Risk of Tooth Decay: Exposed tooth surfaces are more vulnerable to cavities.
  4. Bone Loss: Severe gum recession can lead to bone loss near the teeth, compromising their stability.



Reasons Why Invisalign Can Lead to Gum Recession

Although gum recession is not a widely reported Invisalign side effect, it is a potential problem, particularly for people with some form of gum condition or thin gum layers.

  • Pressure from Aligners

Invisalign aligners apply gentle, continuous pressure to move teeth. While this is necessary for alignment, it can sometimes irritate the gums if the aligners do not fit perfectly. Poorly fitting aligners can cause localized pressure, leading to gum recession. Ensuring that your aligners fit well and making necessary adjustments can help mitigate this risk.

  • Underlying Gum Infection

If you have gingivitis or periodontitis before starting Invisalign treatment, it can worsen with improper oral hygiene or poorly fitting aligners. Gum disease weakens the tissue, making it more susceptible to recession.

  • Poor Oral Hygiene

Invisalign aligners need to be removed for proper dental cleaning. Neglecting good oral hygiene while wearing Invisalign can lead to plaque buildup, possibly contributing to gum recession.

  • Orthodontic Movement

The process of moving teeth can sometimes put stress on the gums and supporting bone structure. If not monitored carefully, this movement can contribute to gum recession.

Preventing Gum Recession with Invisalign

Fortunately, several measures can be taken to reduce the likelihood of Invisalign gum recession. Here are steps you can take during an Invisalign procedure to protect your gum health.

tooth retainer

  1. Ensure Proper Fit of Aligners:  Throughout the process, your dentist will check every tooth movement to ensure the aligners fit and sit well. While sleeping in the appliance, there might be some discomfort or pressure.
  2. Regular Checkups: When taking an Invisalign treatment, frequent checkups and letting your orthodontist monitor its process and notice any symptoms of gum recessions are necessary. Early detection and intervention, which you can actively participate in, can help avoid complications and ensure your treatment remains effective.
  3. Maintain a Healthy Diet: Regular intake of fruits and vegetables in equal amounts and food that are sources of vitamins is necessary for healthy gums. Avoid foods with high sugar levels as they create a friendly environment for bacteria.
  4. Follow Dentist’s Instructions: Ensure that attention is paid to your dentist’s wear and care instructions. It is advisable for patients wearing aligners to take time and be keen on handling them to avoid the above complications and give correct treatment results.
  5. Address Pre-existing Gum Conditions: Any gum-related problems, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, must be treated before starting the Invisalign treatment.
  6. Use Orthodontic Wax: If your aligners are rubbing your gums sore, use orthodontic wax to coat the sharp part. It may also help prevent gum irritation, which is, in turn, beneficial to the general health of our gums.
  7. Avoid Overuse of Aligners: Do not wear the aligners for more time than prescribed; this ensures the comfort of your mouth and facilitates the movement of your teeth.
  8. Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene: Brushing with a toothbrush and flossing daily are essential for maintaining a clean mouth and eliminating plaque and bacteria buildup that may lead to inflamed or receding gums. Use an interdental cleaner to clean the teeth better. 

Gum Recession Treatment

If gum recession is suspected while undergoing Invisalign treatment, a dentist or orthodontist should be consulted promptly. Several treatment options can help manage and mitigate gum recession. 

  1. Scaling and Root Planning: A deep cleaning helps eliminate plaque and tartar deposits around the tooth root and subgingival zones. 
  2. Soft Tissue Graft: The treatment may include a gum graft in advanced stages of periodontal disease. This involves the removal of a piece of healthy tissue and placing it in the area affected by recession.
  3. Orthodontic Adjustments: If ill-fitting aligners cause gum recession, your orthodontist may need to adjust your Invisalign treatment plan to ensure a better fit and reduce pressure on the gums.
  4. Improved Oral Hygiene: Maintaining a rigorous oral hygiene routine is crucial. This involves regular brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush, flossing, and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

  Gum Recession Treatment          


Invisalign is an ideal option for those seeking a discreet way to straighten their teeth. However, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risk of gum recession and take steps to preserve gum health. By maintaining good oral hygiene, seeking regular dental cleanings, and addressing any signs of gum recession early, patients can enjoy the benefits of Invisalign while keeping their gums healthy. 

If symptoms of gum recession occur or there are concerns about gum health during Invisalign treatment, it is required to consult with a dental professional promptly. 

Achieve your best smile with professional care and expertise!

At River’s Bend Family Dental, we offer complete support for managing gum recession with Invisalign. Our dental experts work closely with you to create a dedicated treatment plan that meets your needs.

Visit River’s Bend Family Dental to learn more, or book your consultation today.

You can also call us at 763-576-185 to discuss your oral health concerns.